Wednesday we worked hard and got 2 new investigators that are solid
(lady that owns the internet place is playing Hotel California, currently enjoying life)
Thursday we planned and the Zone Leaders showed up. Set a date for the 4th with Silvias daughter Noelia. We also learned how to help members give away books of mormon confidently on tuesday, so thursday we passed by gisella ruiz moreno and did a practice with her. it was solid. then she told us how they have lost like 3 kids and that the gosple has really helped and changed their life. Also went to brisas. shes doing great. the mom still wont let her get baptized thought.
(changed Hotel California to the spanish version...)
Friday was really hot and not very successful.
Saturday we visited a few people then cleaned the church. Gabriela Umao was baptized! It was awesome. I didn´t really feel like she was my investigator. I was there for all but like 2 lessons. but we teach in a way that is fast and we dont really grow relationships too strongly with them. I don´t like it. Elder Tafur is always worried about time, but the investagtors are more important.
Sunday was normal. In the night we passed by a refrence that we contacted las week. 2nd time teaching her and she accepted a date and prayed to be baptized. She is about 18 and her daughter died. She loved the Plan of Salvation and is awesome!
Today we went to a different city and played soccer and ate stake. It was a solid time.
Sad realization this week. Fun saying in english don´t hold the same significance in spanish. pero igual, todo es duraznos aqui in Argentina!!
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