We were about 10 minutes into our hour of email time yesterday when the power went out, so now I have about 20 seconds to write.
This week wasn´t anything too special. We continue to search for new people to teach and work with the less active members.
Tuesday and Wednesday I was with Elder Cardoso, our district leader. We get along great because we share a passion for ties and we are both fairly fat. Wednesday night we went to paint a kitchen for a member and his less active mom. Turned out pretty great even though we weren´t able to stick around to finish the job. They now have an orange kitchen.... Thursday, I got my glasses. Friday we went to a part of my area that I have never been to, and now I know why we have never gone there, absolutly no luck. The ward Family night was a success. (thumbs down, fart noise) 5 people showed up, 4 of them were the elders, and the other was a teenage girl that comes to everything. Saturday was spent waiting for investigators to show up to 2 of the baptism services that the other ward had. and Sunday 3 investigators came to church. I had 4 minutes to prepare a talk, and the 4 seconds to prepare a lesson for the next class. Sunday was also the presidential elections here so we had to be inside at 6:00. I guess you have to have 40% of the votes to win and the highest was like 36% so theyll have to vote again in November. Yesterday was spent with some fútbol and a whole lot of ping pong.
hopefully the next email you get will include pictures!!!
Les amo,
Elder Beary
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