TUESDAY- An ex missionary was in Yuto visiting, and he invited us to eat lunch with one of his investigators. They. Are. Awesome. They are former investigators because the missionaries stopped visiting. They aren´t married because they cant get their documents. But they love the church and want their kids to get baptized!
After lunch, Gaby destroyed me with those pokey things, so I had to go change my shirt and pants because I was covered! As I was picking them out of my pants outside, an inactive came up to me and asked if we could revisit him. We also taught a short lesson, and I was in my gym shorts, shirt, and tie the whole time. Classic
In the night, after a few lessons with some Less Actives, we were talking to Oscar and found out that he has some work before he can get baptized.
WEDNESDAY- Nothing too special, found a lot of new investigators
THURSDAY- We didnt plan, and hardly studdied. We also had to fix a problem with some other elders in our district. As we were out and about, we watched a guy on his moped crash in to a kid on his bike, told the kid, ¨Youre fine, nothing happened¨ then left........ Some people. Also taught a handfull of Less actives.
FRIDAY- Did our planning, and organized/modified our list of members. We are trying to reactivate a lot of less actives, especially Priesthood holders, becuase we only have 4 in the branch, and 2 are the missionaries... Family night was followed up with some milinesa sandwiches! SCORE
SATURDAY- We went to Ledesma to do our District meeting. We talked about being humble. Then had to do a baptism interview for the other elders. Ate lunch with them, then came back to Yuto. Visited a few less actives, including the guy that came up to us on Tuesday when I was in my shorts. He said he was afraid of the members talking bad on him, thats why he doesn´t go to church. He used to be the Young Mens President, and Seminary teacher. But has been inactive for about 3 years. But he promised to go to church. Finished the night with the Former investigators that we ate lunch with on Tuesday, and they also fed us again!
SUNDAY- We had 2 Less actives come to church, so that basically doubled our attendance. I also had a talk, and I didn´t feel like I was too prepared, I could have done a lot better. After church, we talked with the branch president, and he told us to be careful with the less active member that came up to us on tuesday, that the missionaries have had a problem with him in the past, and that he stole from the missionaries, and the church..... So thats good to know.
Today we have been taking it easy. Had lunch to celebrate Nahuels birthday. Other than that it´s been a relaxing day!
No photos becuase the usb ports on this computer don´t work.. Welcome to Argentina.
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