TUESDAY- We had our District meeting in Ledesma, ran a few errands, then got back to Yuto. Nothing too special. At the end of the night we celebrated the birtday of a girl in our ward who is in the mission
THURSDAY- We had a really good study session, and other than 1 solid lesson at the end of the night, nothing too special.
FRIDAY- Left to look for inactive priesthood holders. At the end of the night I was super frustrated with my Spanish. Right when I think im starting to speak good and really understand, something happens/or somebody says they cant understand a word I say. Its really frustrating too feel like you just taught a really solid lesson, or bore a really solid testimony, to have the person laugh and say that they ¨really couldnt understand a word you said¨ I study, I practice, and I apply what I learn, but its still not coming like I want it to.... UGH
SATURDAY- Our 1:30 lunch appointment fell at 1:15. (Thanks for the heads up) Luckily, we had money on our cards. Not so funny story, I forgot to take my card out of the ATM, luckily I had already taken out my $1800 pesos... In the afternoon, only 1 of our 4 appointments were home or available to talk.. We were teaching a family, and they showed us their new bird. The poor guy jumped off of the girls finger and tried to fly away, but fell straigt down like a brick. I couldn´t stop laughing. It was fantastic.
SUNDAY- We had a record of 3 dogs in attendance. A little girl named Abril, (shes 4) gave the closing prayer and it was the cutest thing ever. She said ¨Dear Heavenly Father, bless the food, the Elders, my family, the kids, Maties (her brother), my family, Maties, the kids......... and my family. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen¨ HAHAHAHA YES! Then we went to a birthday party of the kids of a family that is investgating the church. They combined recieved a total of 20 pairs of underware as gifts... Then we went to a Less Active, Recent Convert, whose mom isn´t a member, and talked about they wanted from our visits and if they truely thought that this church was true, It was a solid lesson. Then finished the night with some Matte Cocido and tossing around the ol´ foam football. Also during lunch we found out that Elder L. Tom Perry died.
TODAY- Chill day relaxing and doing laundry, had some geeso for lunch! Now there are about 4 little kids in the Internet place running around, bugging us, and trying to read my english letters over my shoulder.
Quotes from L. Tom Perry. (Thanks mom)
"If you don't raise the bar, how will you ever know your potential?"
"Through your example, shine the light of the gospel in this troubled world."
"The greatest teaching of all must be done by righteous example."
Peace, love, and empanadas! 
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