Tuesday: In the night, we found a new investigator that is awesome! We taught him a little about the Plan of Salvation, but we focused on baptism. We invited him to be baptized, but declined saying, I want to be baptized with my whole family. PERFECT. We finished the night at Nahuels (Elders quorme pres, got home from the mission in Brazil in octuber. Has a brother in the mission. Mom was one of the first converts in Yuto, Dad isn´t member, but goes to church every week.) and ate pizza. Fun fact: I was bleeding out of my belly button tuesday night. Not so sure if thats normal.......
Wednesday: We went to Caimancito to teach the big family we teach. We re-taught the Resoration. At the end, they asked a bunch of questions that we specifically answered during the lesson, so we re-re-taught it and told them to pay attention. They loved the message and realized they needed to pray. So it ended up being good! Towards the end of the night we talked to Oscar (dad of nahuel that goes to church everyweek.) about his desires. He knows he needs to be baptized, and he knows he will be baptized, but he said that maybe by the time his other son is home, he will be ready. Before the lesson, Elder Pizarro and I knew he would say that, so we wanted him to ask his son what he should do on Sunday when they Skyped. We then left to another lesson, and I wanted to take a shortcut, but my comp said we would get robbed. I told him we would be fine, so he put the phone in his sock and we took the shortcut. We headed down the dark trail, and about 30 seconds later, we saw 2 homies walking a different direction. As we crossed paths, they stopped and followed us. One guy was real close behind me and the other looked like he was taking something out of his coat, but we couldn´t see too good. My companion kept conversation with them the whole time, while I waited for a knife to enter into my kidney. After Elder Pizarro told them they were missionaries, they left. We will no longer be taking shortcuts here. I also found a solid article from Pres. Monson during study time. ¨Listen, Learn, Labor, Love.¨Â
Thursday: We had a giant war with the pokies that always stick to your pants. They come in the shape of plants, and hurt remarkable when you get hit with them. We then left to Jujuy for the multizone conference with Elder Vias of the 70. We got on the bus and it was a party. Elder Iongi was there, so He, Elder Fuga, and I sang songs for the 2 hour trip. We got to our Hotel (yes, we slept in a hotel) and settled in. We then decided to go out for food, so 6 of us piled into the elevator. As the doors shut, we noticed a sign saying that only one person at a time can use the elevator........... we were stuck. After 10 minutes of trying to pry the doors open, Elder Iongi found a lever that made the doors open very easily... we then escaped to find out that our door wouldn´t open and that was another 10 minute adventure..
Friday: Woke up and enjoyed a 20 hot water shower (people in america, your blessed) We got to the conference and everybody greeted Elder Vias with a firm handshake, but I thought that was kinda weird, so I embraced him with a big ol famous J Bear hug. The conference was REALLY good. It was about ¨How the atonement helps us become better missionaries.¨ Lots of revalation was recieved. Once we got back, an investigator that we droped came to family night and was excited to be baptized, so we are working for that.
Saturday: Had a big $50 peso breakfast. Didn´t have too much success in the morning. My birthday lunch was arguable one of my least favorite items here, but i wasn´t too worried about it. Afternoon was successless until 6. We had a cake and hot chocolate party. The cake was freaking amazing. Then Gabi asked if she could leave and work with us. Had a few lessons, and a member gave us some really yummy pizza.Â
Sunday: Sunday we had 4 investigators in church #Record Then ate a PIG for lunch. After we went to Caimancito, and one of our invesigators said that she didn´t want to pray, because she felt comfortable in her church. She told us that she was super confused, but didn´t want to pray to get rid of the confusion. Basically she would rather be confused than know that her iglesia isn´t the iglesia of Christ..... K. Got home and skyped with the fam!
Good week. I´m now 20. I should probably do something with my life, like lose weight (written as Im eating a KitKat.)
My leg itches |
Birthday message |
Birthday Kit Kat |
Hermana Gabi(She put the party together)(Her birthday was also the same day)(She is awesome) |
Cat named Elder Beary. |
Birthday cake |
Birthday breakfast |
Elder Longi |
Multi zone conference selfi |
District of the sock ties (all mine) |
Birthday hat |
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