Dad, remember the picture you have from your mission when that guy arrested you and it´s super fake? Yeah, I think I won. Lets get to it, yes you read the subject line correct, We went to jail... We were with Gaby yesterday during PDay and we went and climbed the chimeny, and when we got to the bottom, three cops came up to us, told us to get in the back of their truck, and they took us ¨Downtown¨ Got to the station and the Chief lectured us for about 5 minutes, before they took us back, took all of our stuff and info, then locked us up. Elder Urbina and I went in one cell with 2 other guys that were already there, and Gaby, being a minor, went to a different cell. We asked if we could call somebody, and they said no. We asked if they already told Gabys mom that he was in jail, and they said no. So after about an hour of us telling them that it was illegal to lock up a minor, they finally went to find his mom. They wouldn´t give us a reason for why we were locked up, they just told us that they had to finish a criminal check, then we would be free. We told them that we didn´t have a criminal record, because if we did, we wouldn´t be able to get a visa to be in Argentina, but that didn´t change anything. We kept asking if we could call somebody, but they wouldn´t allow it, nor would they give us a reason for why we were locked up. We didn´t do anything illegal, and we didn´t break any laws, so it wasn´t justified. Gabys mom finally came for him, then she sent somebody to help us. We asked to talk to somebody superior, but they didn´t allow that either. Super long story short, finally after 8 hours locked up, they let us go. We never got to call anybody, nor did they ever give us a reason for why we were locked up. Called our Mission President to let him know what happened, then a lawyer called us. It was super annoying because we couldn´t do absolutely anything to help our case. There are people on every corner doing drugs, and 10 year olds that are driving, but the biggest problem of the day was 3 Mormons on a chimney. The most annoying part was that every cop wanted to see the pictures that we took and they thought that it was super cool... The other two guys in the cell were both there for abuse, so I was ready to fight if I needed to. Unfortunately, we left before I could get my tatoo. And I threw down about 15 push ups, because I didn´t want to be the first person to leave jail fat. But yeah, we lost our whole PDay because we were in the slammer, the clink, the cooler, the coop, the crate, we were fenced in. But, we still were able to (abrir nuestras bocas y hablar con todos) We contacted the other two guys locked up and about 5 police officers. Nice. sadly, THEY WOULDN´T EVEN LET ME TAKE A JAILFIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But yeah, don´t climb the chimney. "It's not illegal, but it´s dangerous¨ -Police TUESDAY- We had our district meeting, and I stayed in ledesma for divisions. I was with Elder Mendoza, we had some great empanadas for lunch, and then worked hard. We had a few solid lessons before we watched Charly for Ward Family Night. WEDNESDAY- Went back to my beloved Yuto, and had some polenta for lunch, I love polenta. (Its really hard to show sarcasm through email, I hate polenta) we built a fence for a lady in our branch, then hit it hard. We didn´t have too many lessons, but it felt really successful. Funny story, we contacted a guy, and he kept looking at his empty wrist to tell us that he didn´t have time to talk, so I looked at my wrist free watch and said ¨wow, its already 9:30¨ Elder Urbina was laughing............. You had to be there I guess THURSDAY- We taught a solid 6 lessons after our planning session, then went to choir practice, Im still not sure why im in charge of it... FRIDAY- Taught a few lessons, had Noche de Hogar, and choir practice. SATURDAY- Lunch was super spicy (just how I like it) then had to help a girl with her english project. Taught another 6ish lessons before buying some Milinesa Sandwiches for dinner! SUNDAY- Went to search for a less active before church, went to search for a different less active during church, Elder Urbina got after the branch about being obedient to the commandments, solid sunday lunch as always, Waited to help this girl with her project again, but she never came. Took a nap, taught, had choir practice, watched Frozen and drank matte for like 10 minutes. I love Frozen so much. Transfer news, One elder, Elder Hess, left to salta, and we got Elder Williams, I already know him from Santiago. (Jess, he is from Beecave Texas, in the same ward as Richards parents) Computers suck so I will send some pics next week!
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Sorry, I was in jail...
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Sorry, not too much time to write!Â
This week was a long one, Not sure why, but yeah.
Went on splits with my boy Elder Fuga on tuesday!
Then on wednesday we went to Ledesma
Thursday we had our confrence with the pres and assistants.
Friday I was on splits with Elder Robins, our zone leader
Saturday had a relaxed day after finally getting my comp Elder Urbina back
Sunday I gave a talk, and I have to say, it went pretty well, we also had 4 investigators in church! We had choir practice at night, and im in charge, they don´t know that I have no musical abilities........
My studdies this week, I was reading about Abinadi. What an example he was to defend the truth even when he had the opportunity to take back everything he said to escape death.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
I don´t have too much time, nor many desires to write a big letter.
An averagely slow week, I got sick for 2 days, almost go bit by my first dog, had our usual district meeting, Had some good studies about focusing on the work, One of my best friends got drafted the the Astros! Had a fair share of empanadas and pizza, boring church, blessed both the bread and the water, then choir practice.
Why is church boring? During the first hour, there are about 8 people. The 4 of us in Priesthood read out of the manual, because the teacher doesn´t bother to prepare. 2nd hour is solid, I learn something new everyweek. Sacrament is in a small room, so every noise is super distracting. The Branch isn´t the most musically gifted branch, and the speakers usually fail to prepare.
I know that it can get better, just need a lot of effort from the members so they can realize that its CHURCH, a place to feel the spirit and learn something new! One of these weeks it will be fantastic
Freaking cat
Our shower
My planners
Puppy selfie
Backpack I found for sale. Nike, Adidas, and Puma! Wow!!!
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Monday and Tuesday were normal days here in Yuto, but we didn´t have too much exito.
Wednesday we traveled to Salta, got back.
Thursday to change our clothes and get our suits, then traveled to a different part of Salta for our Zone coference. Slept with the Elders in Oran, My boy Elder Iongi, and i was reunited with Elder Connolly!!
Friday we had a really good conference full of revelation on how we can better the work and edificar nuestras areas!
Saturday and Sunday my com was un poco enfermo, so we didn´t get to work, it was actually really boring to be inside all day.
Sunday night we had a Consejo de la Rama and we talked an made plans on how each organization of the Rama can do their part to reactivate members and make it so our church isn´t so boring. (It´s really boring, Sometimes I´m scared to invite our investigators to church, its that boring...)
This week was just full of traveling and meeting up with some good frien... Elders.
Monday, June 1, 2015
TUESDAY- We had our District meeting in Ledesma, ran a few errands, then got back to Yuto. Nothing too special. At the end of the night we celebrated the birtday of a girl in our ward who is in the mission
THURSDAY- We had a really good study session, and other than 1 solid lesson at the end of the night, nothing too special.
FRIDAY- Left to look for inactive priesthood holders. At the end of the night I was super frustrated with my Spanish. Right when I think im starting to speak good and really understand, something happens/or somebody says they cant understand a word I say. Its really frustrating too feel like you just taught a really solid lesson, or bore a really solid testimony, to have the person laugh and say that they ¨really couldnt understand a word you said¨ I study, I practice, and I apply what I learn, but its still not coming like I want it to.... UGH
SATURDAY- Our 1:30 lunch appointment fell at 1:15. (Thanks for the heads up) Luckily, we had money on our cards. Not so funny story, I forgot to take my card out of the ATM, luckily I had already taken out my $1800 pesos... In the afternoon, only 1 of our 4 appointments were home or available to talk.. We were teaching a family, and they showed us their new bird. The poor guy jumped off of the girls finger and tried to fly away, but fell straigt down like a brick. I couldn´t stop laughing. It was fantastic.
SUNDAY- We had a record of 3 dogs in attendance. A little girl named Abril, (shes 4) gave the closing prayer and it was the cutest thing ever. She said ¨Dear Heavenly Father, bless the food, the Elders, my family, the kids, Maties (her brother), my family, Maties, the kids......... and my family. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen¨ HAHAHAHA YES! Then we went to a birthday party of the kids of a family that is investgating the church. They combined recieved a total of 20 pairs of underware as gifts... Then we went to a Less Active, Recent Convert, whose mom isn´t a member, and talked about they wanted from our visits and if they truely thought that this church was true, It was a solid lesson. Then finished the night with some Matte Cocido and tossing around the ol´ foam football. Also during lunch we found out that Elder L. Tom Perry died.
TODAY- Chill day relaxing and doing laundry, had some geeso for lunch! Now there are about 4 little kids in the Internet place running around, bugging us, and trying to read my english letters over my shoulder.
Quotes from L. Tom Perry. (Thanks mom)
"If you don't raise the bar, how will you ever know your potential?"
"Through your example, shine the light of the gospel in this troubled world."
"The greatest teaching of all must be done by righteous example."
Peace, love, and empanadas! 
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